Through public advocacy efforts, the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation provides a trusted national voice on all issues related to addiction prevention, treatment and recovery. We facilitate dialogue among individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, those who are still in active use, and society at large. We are committed to undoing stigma that surrounds the disease, shaping public policy, and educating people everywhere about alcohol and other drug problems and the promise of recovery.
Recovery advocacy is the heart of our broader advocacy efforts, powered by the faces and voices of people from the community of millions who are in recovery, their families and their allies, as well as families of loss channeling their pain to help others. Our lived experiences prove that recovery is possible, and our stories inspire action. Recovery advocacy helps replace misinformation with understanding, misperception with empathy, and denial with hope.
By joining our advocacy network, you will receive free monthly Hazelden Betty Ford Advocacy Updates in your email inbox with news, views, issues and opportunities to take action. Each issue includes an easy way for you to contact your elected representatives and support proposals that aid recovery. Your passion, insights and advocacy can truly make a difference, and together, we make an even bigger impact.